Gameloft to Bring ‘Hero of Sparta’ and ‘Brothers in Arms’ to iPhone

The Guardian reports on two ambitious games coming from Gameloft before the end of the year.

The first title called Brothers in Arms: Hour of Heros is a described as a 3D third-person perspective WWI actioner featuring jeep and tank driving and onfoot shooting. The Guardian reports that the game uses a virtual D-pad for movement.

The second title is called Hero of Sparta and is a God of War style 3rd parson “hack-n-slasher”.

Again it features an onscreen D-Pad as well as contextual options like hit, defend, change weapons, etc. During combat, stringing together a range of moves results in an icon appearing onscreen – if this is repeatedly tapped quickly enough, you get a special finishing move.

VIDEO-Gameloft has posted a cinematic trailer for Hero of Sparta

iPod touch gets Street View, beats iPhone 3G at tennis

Some good news for iPod touch owners: one enterprising individual going by the nom de mod timmyj9 has figured out how to enable the Street View functionality in the media player’s version 2.2 firmware — albeit with some glitches. If your iPod touch is jailbroken, and if you enjoy this sort of illegitimate activity, feel free to hit the link below for some thrilling step-by-step directions. And if that wasn’t exciting enough for you, we’ve just espied a video that pits the original iPhone and the iPhone 3G against both a first and a second generation iPod touch in a fight to the death (or more accurately, TouchSport Tennis). Admittedly, this is not the most scientific of benchmarks, but the clip (after the break) clearly shows the 532MHz second generation iPod touch rocking the 3D graphics faster than its 412MHz iPhone 3G counterpart. As expected, neither the original iPhone nor the first generation iPod fare nearly as well as their siblings.

iPhone firmware 2.2 gets QuickPwn and PwnageTool Download it Here

In case you haven’t noticed the trend, when Apple releases a new iPhone / iPod touch firmware, it has a tendency to fall to the jailbreakers at mind-boggling breakneck speed. QuickPwn and PwnageTool have now both been updated to support 2.2, though there’s a critical note in here from the iphone-dev team: if you have any interest in unlocking your iPhone 3G in the near future, only use PwnageTool, not the more painless QuickPwn. You’ve been warned!

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

Downlaod Here

Mac PwnageTool
Next Update How to JailBreak iPhone 2G/3G on Mac/Windows
So Stay Glued

Warnig From iPhone DEV Team

Sir, step away from the keyboard.

So, as anticipated our friends the misfits have recently released the long awaited 2.2 update. We can confirm that this update SHOULD NOT be applied using iTunes if you want the chance of a soft-unlock in the near future.

If you want to keep that option of a ‘soft-unlock in the near future’ available but you want the new features of 2.2, you will be able to update to 2.2 using a PwnageTool created custom ipsw file that disables the baseband update. You will be able to do this using an updated version of PwnageTool that will be released sometime soon.

Some facts –

  • The 2.2 firmware for 3G contains a baseband updater for the 3G iPhone
  • The 2.2 firmware for 2G (1st gen iPhones) doesn’t contain a baseband update and the baseband is still at 04.05.04
  • We believe that our Pwnage technique (and therefore the Jailbreak) isn’t affected, but PwnageTool and QuickPwn do not support this release as yet, so DO NOT install 2.2 using iTunes as you will lose your jailbreak
  • If you apply this update and you previously relied on PwnageTool or QuickPwn to activate your phone, it may become deactivated and unusable (until we release the new version of PwnageTool or QuickPwn).
  • PwnageTool and QuickPwn updates will be released as soon as possible that will allow a safe update path to 2.2. the release of these updates is inevitable but not imminent, we are creating the modifications right now and we need to put the new software through the usual testing process.
  • If you apply this update and you have third-party (non AppStore) applications  that you rely on they will stop working.
  • The use of SIM-Proxies (small circuit boards/chips that sit underneath the SIM card) to provide GSM/UMTS service on your locked iPhone 3G is a method that we have always advised against. Early reports suggest that the 2.2 update disables the functionality of these devices. The techniques used were always unreliable and we are surprised that they have lasted this long.
  • We are not working on the 2nd generation iPod touch at the moment, so we cannot comment on what the the 2.2 software update may do to this specific model

So, as always, if you are in any doubt whatsoever please delay the install of this firmware on any of your devices until we have investigated the release in more detail. Watch this space 😉

iPhone 2.2 firmware update available now

It’s here. Google Street View and over the air Podcast downloads from
iTunes. Yup, public transit and walking directions too and the ability
to share your location via email. Bug fixes, Safari enhancements, the
ability to toggle auto-text correction, and plenty more… just like we
heard in the pre-rumor run-up. Now get outta here, your iTunes update awaits.

Update: Added some screenshots of the most notable new
features after the break. The Street View implementation seems solid
though we miss the compass feature found on T-Mobile’s G1. Also, the
real-estate saved by moving the Google search field next to the URL
field in Mobile Safari is a welcome and obvious change. As to
auto-correction, well, that’s personal taste.

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